Launch it!

Welcome, welcome... I'm so excited to work with you on future projects. I keep getting distracted by yet another design that I think you will love but I have to keep my focus. I need to launch this creative baby out into the world and you betcha, I'll keep sending out updates of nifty new designs with you mind.

What's this blog gonna cover?

Take sneak peaks into what we are up to in the studio. Maybe it's a recent travel adventure that inspires me, a trip to a local garden - shout out to the Huntington Library gardens - always inspiring me and if you're ever in LA for a visit you should check it out.

Or you might see the process behind the scene; it takes a lot of experimenting to land the great product to join the line. 

And don't be surprised to see inspiring words or images to keep us motivated.

Join us, chime in, take a looky loo. Join us on the journey.

